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    WARD NO.- 04

    P.O. + P.S. - DUBRAJPUR

    PIN - 731123



    About Block



    WARD NO.- 04

    P.O. + P.S. - DUBRAJPUR

    PIN - 731123



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    Office Staff
    Sl. No. Office Name Employee Name Employee Designation Mobile No. Photo
    1. DUBRAJPUR RAJA ADAK Block Development Officer(BDO) 7044042635
    2. DUBRAJPUR Parimal Kumar Das Jt. Execuitive Officer, PS (Ex-Officio,Jt. BDO) 8371816971
    3. DUBRAJPUR Kousik Karmakar Block Informatics Officer (BIO) 8348656195
    4. DUBRAJPUR Sonali Banerjee Women Development Officer(WDO) 9883408089
    5. DUBRAJPUR Sabyasachi Ganguly Assistant Programme Officer(APO) 9836702223
    6. DUBRAJPUR Tanmoy Chatterjee Samity Education Officer (SEO) 9434999940
    7. DUBRAJPUR HABIBAR RAHAMAN Head Clerk Cum Accountant(AHC) 9832755311
    8. DUBRAJPUR TAPOJAL BATABYAL Upper Division Assistant (UDA) 9475987755
    9. DUBRAJPUR SAMBIT RAY Inspector of Backward Class Welfare 9564848850
    10. DUBRAJPUR PANNALAL SINGHA Cashier Block (UDC) 9800126700
    11. DUBRAJPUR ABHIJIT ROY Data Entry Operator, (DEO,PS) 9339732195
    12. DUBRAJPUR Rinakhi Ghosh Clerk Cum Typist (CCT) 9547198050
    13. DUBRAJPUR KSHETRA NATH GHOSH Cluster Technical Coordinator, Anandadhara 9564422259
    14. DUBRAJPUR PRATIK DAS Data Manager, Kanyashree 9474632438
    15. DUBRAJPUR GOURANGA PAN Program Assistant, MGNREGA 9474115524
    16. DUBRAJPUR MASUDUL ISLAM Computer Assistant, MGNREGA 8016421588
    17. DUBRAJPUR PULAK KUMAR CHAUDHURI Technical Assistant - MGNREGA 9434117874
    18. DUBRAJPUR PARIMAL KUMAR GHOSH Technical Assistant - MGNREGA 9749260980
    19. DUBRAJPUR PRATYUSH MANDAL Data Entry Operator, Mid day Meal 9153119810
    20. DUBRAJPUR Safi Azam Minimum Wages Inspector (MWI) 9933956070
    21. DUBRAJPUR Jagadish Hansda Lower Division Assistant (LDA) 7602958595
    22. DUBRAJPUR Baban Ruidas Accounts Cleark (AC) 9232130001
    23. DUBRAJPUR Santinath Bhowmik Sub-Assistant Engineer (SAE) 9836487194
    24. DUBRAJPUR Joydip Bal Block Level Supervisor, Utkarshabangla 8697987144
    25. DUBRAJPUR SANJOY BASAK NANDI Block Disaster Management Officer (BDMO) 8514022977
    27. DUBRAJPUR PRANAB GHOSH Orderly of CI(Gr-D) 9732378325
    28. DUBRAJPUR Shephali Saha Lady Gram Sevika (LGS) 8293230580
    29. DUBRAJPUR Mitali Das (Roy) Lady Gram Sevika (LGS) 9153026595
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    Sl. No. Member Name Designation
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    Sl. No. Office Name Name Designation Mobile No. Photo
    1. DUBRAJPUR Buddhadeb Hemram Sabhapati 8388935210
    2. DUBRAJPUR SWAPAN MONDAL Saha Sabhapati 9232388401
    3. DUBRAJPUR Debasish Saha P.S. Member 7001417488
    4. DUBRAJPUR Arun Das P.S. Member 6296876736
    5. DUBRAJPUR Kashemul Haque P.S. Member 8637092667
    6. DUBRAJPUR Bijoy Ruidas P.S. Member 7063143728
    7. DUBRAJPUR Sk Jasimuddin P.S. Member 9735836466
    8. DUBRAJPUR Lakshmi Murmu P.S. Member 8391957250
    9. DUBRAJPUR Nabanita Ghosh P.S. Member 7585055065
    10. DUBRAJPUR Kalpana Dom P.S. Member 9641349745
    11. DUBRAJPUR Partha Saha P.S. Member 7864030131
    12. DUBRAJPUR Matiur Rahaman P.S. Member 9732205173
    13. DUBRAJPUR Jhuma Sen P.S. Member 6296502934
    14. DUBRAJPUR Debjani Halder P.S. Member 8910670934
    15. DUBRAJPUR Soma Ray Singh P.S. Member 7601966126
    16. DUBRAJPUR Santwana Hazra P.S. Member 7501919160
    17. DUBRAJPUR Rita Ankur P.S. Member 9735832842
    18. DUBRAJPUR Khadija Bibi P.S. Member 9735839482
    19. DUBRAJPUR Samsunihar Bibi P.S. Member 9734206422

    Block Reports


    Sl. No. Memo Number Description Attachment
    1. Memo-no---293-DPS-2022-Dated-22-07-2022

    Percentage rate tender for the under mention works (Annex-I) are invited by Dubrajpur Panchayat Samiti  from suitable eligible Contractor. The intending tenderer should download the detailed tender notice along with tender documents from 'e-procurement' link under https:/ / The tenderers will have to submit their bid online in two folder system containing pre-qualification documents, Technical Bid in one and Financial bid in another.

    2. 15-DPS

    Consists of 4 no. Batteries to run 1 no E-Cart/ E-Vehicle, Payload Capacity : 600 kg, fittable in L 500 MM* W 700 MM*H 300 MM Battery Box.

    3. 14-DPS

    E-Cart / E-vehicle

    4. 45-DPS

    Construction of Individual Household Latrine  (IHHL)  under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) Phase-II.

    5. 25-DPS-2023

    Purchase of 10 nos Desktop Computers.

    6. 26-DPS-2023

    Installation Mini High Mast light set.

    7. 86-DPS-2023

    NIT NO-05/DPS/2023 FUND 15TH FC (UNTIED)

    8. 87-DPS-2023

    NIT NO-06/DPS/2023 FUND 15TH FC (TIED)

    9. 88-DPS


    10. 98-DPS-2023

    NIT NO-07/DPS/2023 

    11. 106-DPS-2023


    12. 140-DPS-2023

    1. construction of Cement Concrete road from  Modipakuri Mouja( Jl no 10)  to Kapashtor Mouja (Jl no 09)at Kapashtor village  under Balijuri G.P. within Dub. Panchayat Samity under P and RD fund.

    2. construction of Cement Concrete road from  Bakreswar Dam 0 Point to Manirampur Adibasi para ( Jl no 102,103, Plot no 901,242) at Monirampur village  under Chinpai G.P. within Dub. Panchayat Samity under P and RD fund.

    3.  construction of Cement Concrete road from Gara Buroraitala ( Jl no 206, Plot no 2043) to Bedaipur Boro Sanko, ( Jl no 219, Plot no 2002) at Gara village  under under Paduma  G.P. within Dub. Panchayat Samity under P and RD fund.

    4. construction of Cement Concrete road from  Kuhutia High school to Dharmaraj Mandir (Jl no 17, Plot no 587)at Kukhutia village  under Balijuri G.P. within Dub. Panchayat Samity under P and RD fund.

    13. 156-DPS-2023

    1. Installation Mini High Mast light set 9 Mtr hight at Bandhersol Village Dharmaraj Mandir, Dag No-823, Mouja-Bhabanipur, Jl no-103, Chinpai G.P. under Dubrajpur Panchayet Samity 

    2. Installation Mini High Mast light set 9 Mtr hight at Chinpai Amiya Kumar Mitra Girls High School, Dag no-3259, Mouza-Chinpai, Jl no-90, Chinpai G.P. under Dubrajpur Panchayet Samity 

    3. Installation Mini High Mast light set at Chinpai Gram Panchayet. Under Dubrajpur Panchayet Samity

    14. 164-DPS-2023

    1. Renovation of Cultural Stage at Mangalpur Dharmaraj Mandir under Balijuri GP, JL no 22, Plot no 1005 , Activity code   57831063

    2. Construction of Open Stage at Narayanpur near Dharmaraj Mandir under Chinpai GP, JL no 91,Plot no 630, Activity code 57829682

    3. Construction of Toilet Block near Dhagram Primary School under Jashpur GP, JL no 202,Plot no 02, Activity code  57170868

    4. Construction of Toilet Block at Jamthalia Hat tala (Market Area) under Parulia GP, JL no 74,Plot no 1404, Activity code  57168184

    5. construction of Anganwadi Building (AWC) at Buzrukchandra ,Jl no-95, Plot no-534 under Chinpai G.P. within Dubrajpur Panchayet Samity, AWC code-19334020421 under RIDF-XXV

    15. 165-DPS-2023

    1. Construction of Skill Development Centre at Gokrul, JL No. 121 Plot No. 3303 under Hetampur Gram Panchayat within Dubrajpur Development Block

    16. 166-DPS-2023

    Construction of Segrigation shed with vermicompost pit for Gokrul Plastic Waste Management unit Gokrul mouza JL No. 121 Plot No. 3303 under Hetampur Gram Panchayat within Dubrajpur Development Block

    17. 358-DPS-2023

    NIT NO-16/DPS/2023 FUND-BEUP

    18. 528-DPS-2023

    1. Providing maintenance & infrastructure Development for Office work at Dubajpur Development Block under 15th CFC fund for the year 2022-23

    2. Emergency drinking water and other development work at all gram panchayat under Dubrajpur Block

    19. 542-DPS-2023-Dated-27-09-2023

    Construction of CC road, Pucca Drain, Covered Drain, Community hall, Wall etc....


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    Name: DUBRAJPUR Block

    Installation of Tube-well with Solar Submersible pump at Ghoga Bus Stand near AWC (2021)


    Installation of a water supply system at a Bus Stand or near it, is always an urgent need as the spot is regularly visited by floating populations. But in the electricity operated submersible pump, power consumption is generally high, thereby incurring a good amount of electric bill per month, which is unbearable in the long run. Solar energy being an unconventional energy source, lowers this cost to zero. Plus, it also reduces carbon emissions.

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    Ghoga Bus Stand under Paduma Gram Panchayat is a spot regularly visited by floating populations, especially migrant labourers, office goers et al. Besides, water level of the existing hand pump at the near-by AWC gets lowered, thereby causing a serious water crisis earlier. As a result, Dubrajpur Panchayat Samity, took a step for its soluation through installation of a Tube-well with solar-submersible pump there. It not only solved the water crisis but also promote using of unconventional energy source.


    To help people by supplying an access to zero cost water supply and to promote unconventional energy source that minimizes its operational and maintenance cost.

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    Scheme Name: Installation of Tube-well with Solar Submersible pump at Ghoga Bus Stand near AWC.

    Situation of the Work: At Ghoga near AWC adjacent to Ghoga Bus Stand

    Expenditure: Rs.4,70,340 (Rupees Four Lakh Seventy Thousand Three Hundred and Forty Only)


    It will help people by supplying an access to zero cost water supply and to promote unconventional energy source that minimizes its operational and maintenance cost.

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    The authority always prioritise public interest and local need in implementation of any project or scheme. If the scheme sustains in the long run, there is a chance for its extension through supplying of water to near-by habitations by installation of a good length of pipe line system.  


    Installation of Tube-well with Solar Submersible is a step towards promoting unconvetional energy source in the Rural Development. Dubrajpur Panchayat Samity promises to keep this spirit in the long run.