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    GP Profile
    • FAX:916297100795
    • Phone:916297100795
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    Office Full Address

    Nanasole Gram Panchayat, Vill-Sukhbazar, Po- Illambazar, PS-Birbhum, Pin - 731214.

    About Gram Panchayat

    Total Mouza-11 no, Total Village- 15 no, Total Sansad-12, Total Area-23.29 Hequter,Total Population-20882, ST Population- 2010, SC Population-2931,Total Male-10870, Total Female-10012,Total High School- 1, Total Jt High-1,Total Pry School-13 , Total SSK-4, MSK-1, Co-Operative-1, Library-2, Post Office-2, Sub Centre - 2, AWC-16,

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    GP Name: NANASOLE             Block Name: Illambazar

    Office Staff
    Sl. No. Office Name Employee Name Employee Designation Mobile No. Photo
    1. NANASOLE MOLLAH SAHABUDDIN Executive Assistant (EA) 8918738291
    2. NANASOLE NURUL ISLAM MOLLAH Jibika Sevak 9734731410
    3. NANASOLE SANDIP PRAMANIK Skill Technical Person(STP) 9564536551
    4. NANASOLE SANJOY TALUKDAR Sahayak 9474614618
    5. NANASOLE LAKSHMIRAM MURMU Sahayak 8101808260
    6. NANASOLE PARTHA GHOSH Village Level Entrepreneur(VLE) 9153121100
    7. NANASOLE KARTICK HAZRA Gram Panchayat Karmee (GPK) 9732199988
    8. NANASOLE KALICHARAN MARDI Gram Panchayat Karmee (GPK) 8016009171
    9. NANASOLE HABIBUR RAHAMAN Tax Collector 9749866363
    10. NANASOLE Debasis Saha Nirman Sahayak (NS) 9434142601
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    GP Name: NANASOLE             Block Name: Illambazar

    Select Samiti:

    Sl. No. Member Name Designation
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    GP Name: NANASOLE             Block Name: Illambazar

    Sl. No. Office Name Name Designation Mobile No. Photo
    1. NANASOLE NURNESHA BIBI Pradhan 9775753080
    2. NANASOLE SK MOHASIN Upa Pradhan 9153059986
    3. NANASOLE BASUDEB HANSDA G.P. Member 7477478341
    4. NANASOLE BISAKHA DAS G.P. Member 8670533035
    5. NANASOLE NARGIS PARVIN G.P. Member 8918412530

    GP Reports
    Sl. No. Memo Number Description Attachment
    1. 92-5-NGP-22-Dated--04-07-2022

    Construction of PCC road from  Kabbarsthan to pond of Kalam at Nanasole

    AAP NO - 9/21-22

    2. 92-NGP-22-23-Dated--4-07-2022

    Construction of PCC road from  residence of Faruk to residence of Faijul Haque at Chunpalashi , AAP NO - 43/21-22

    3. 92-NGP-22-Dated-04-07-2022

    Construction of PCC road from  residence of Abdul Alam Molla to residence of Dulal at Khadimpukur, AAP NO - 39/21-22

    4. 92-NGP-22-Dated-04-07-2022

    Construction of PCC road from  Bangore to residence of Jaynal at Sankargacha,

    AAP NO - 27/21-22

    5. 92-NGP-22-Dated-04-07-2022

    Construction of PCC road from   Maktab to residence of Firojul at Panchtetul

    AAP NO - 33/21-22

    6. 92-NGP-22-23-Dated--04-07-2022

    Construction of PCC road from   residence of Korban Molla to residence of  Sk Karibul at Pachiara,AAP NO - 29/21-22

    7. 110-NGP-22-DT-05-08-2022

    Percentage rate e-tenders for the under mentioned works are invited from the suitable contractors / manufacturers /suppliers. The intending tenderers should download the detailed tender notice along with tender documents from link https:/ / The tenderers will have to submit their bid online in two folder system containing pre-qualification documents -Technical Bid in one and Financial bid in another

    Total Works-07 (Seven)


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    GP Name: NANASOLE             Block Name: Illambazar

    Const. of PCC road from residence of faruk to residence of faijul haque at Chunpalashi under Nanasole GP (2022)


    Jl no- 100, Plotr No- 292, 290

    Sample Alt Sample Alt


    PCC Road


    Beneficiary Communication are to be done

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    PCC Road


    Beneficiary are to be happy for completed on this road

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    All Public are to be benefited


    All Community are to be benefited on this road have made