According to Census 2011 information the location code or village code of Tilpara village is 317013. Tilpara village is located in Suri I subdivision of Birbhum district in West Bengal, India. It is situated 7.3km away from sub-district headquarter Barabagan. Suri is the district headquarter of Tilpara village. As per 2009 stats, Tilpara village is also a gram panchayat.
The total geographical area of village is 116.61 hectares. Tilpara has a total population of 2,928 peoples, out of which male population is 1,460 while female population is 1,468. Literacy rate of tilpara village is 77.63% out of which 81.92% males and 73.37% females are literate. There are about 674 houses in tilpara village. Pincode of tilpara village locality is 731101.
Suri is nearest town to tilpara for all major economic activities, which is approximately 5km away.
Construction of New ICDS Building (N0-151) at village Bansjore of Sansad XII of Tilpara GP (2022)
This scheme is constructed at Bansjore Village Under Tilpara Gram Panchayet Under Suri-1 Dev. Block, jl no-11, Plot No-1652/2629 with an area 798 sqft. This ICDS building is about 2 km apart from GP.
Total enrolement of this ICDS center is 85 but there was no building for this ICDS center. The classes of this center was arranged under a tree by the teacher of this center.The environment of this ICDS center was unhygienic for pregnant and lactating mothers. There was no store room for storage of nutritional food.
Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) is Gov. Programe in India which provide nutritional meals , Pre School education , primary health care , immunization , health checkup & referral services to children under 6 years of age and their mothers .
This ICDS center covers 798 sqft area.It consists one class room, kitchen, verandah, toilet, and store room.Total cost of this project is 811036. This scheme was taken by Convergence mood OSR, 3rd SFC, 4TH SFC, 13 CFC, MGNREGA & PBG.
The scheme is targated at children upto the age 6 years , pregnant and lactating mothers and women 16 to 44 years of age . the scheme is aimed to improve the health , nutrition and education of the target community .
The ICDS scheme offers a package of 6 services
Supplementary nutrition
pre school nonformal education
Nutrition and health education
Health Check up
Referal services
This Scheme will improve nutritional and health status of children below the age of 6 years and mothers (The pregnant and 1st 6 month of lactation ) through protein - energy supplementation that provide 500 Kcal of energy and 12 to15 gm of protein to children , 600 kcal energy and 18 to 20 gm .
The ICDS has a huge potential as a platform to provide comprehensive maternl and child services. Although there is a wide coverage under the ICDS blocks,many of them are not functioning optimally. Infrastructure and basic amenities, and training components need to be strengthened.
GP Name: TILPARA Block Name: Suri - I
Construction of New ICDS Building (N0-151) at village Bansjore of Sansad XII of Tilpara GP (2022)
This scheme is constructed at Bansjore Village Under Tilpara Gram Panchayet Under Suri-1 Dev. Block, jl no-11, Plot No-1652/2629 with an area 798 sqft. This ICDS building is about 2 km apart from GP.
Total enrolement of this ICDS center is 85 but there was no building for this ICDS center. The classes of this center was arranged under a tree by the teacher of this center.The environment of this ICDS center was unhygienic for pregnant and lactating mothers. There was no store room for storage of nutritional food.
Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) is Gov. Programe in India which provide nutritional meals , Pre School education , primary health care , immunization , health checkup & referral services to children under 6 years of age and their mothers .
This ICDS center covers 798 sqft area.It consists one class room, kitchen, verandah, toilet, and store room.Total cost of this project is 811036. This scheme was taken by Convergence mood OSR, 3rd SFC, 4TH SFC, 13 CFC, MGNREGA & PBG.
The scheme is targated at children upto the age 6 years , pregnant and lactating mothers and women 16 to 44 years of age . the scheme is aimed to improve the health , nutrition and education of the target community .
The ICDS scheme offers a package of 6 services
Supplementary nutrition
pre school nonformal education
Nutrition and health education
Health Check up
Referal services
This Scheme will improve nutritional and health status of children below the age of 6 years and mothers (The pregnant and 1st 6 month of lactation ) through protein - energy supplementation that provide 500 Kcal of energy and 12 to15 gm of protein to children , 600 kcal energy and 18 to 20 gm .
The ICDS has a huge potential as a platform to provide comprehensive maternl and child services. Although there is a wide coverage under the ICDS blocks,many of them are not functioning optimally. Infrastructure and basic amenities, and training components need to be strengthened.