Training Center

India is a land of villages, about 83 percent of our population is in the rural area. These villages were governed by the Panchayats. The Panchayati Raj is a system of governance in which the gram panchayat is the basic unit of administration. The Panchayats are likely to take part in an important role in rural development in India, mainly after the independence. The training is necessary for hundreds of elected Panchayati members, the mainstream of them being not highly educated and untrained for the responsibility of local governance, which poses great challenges in the endeavor of decentralized governance.
The training program has two necessary components; firstly Training is imparted to even the farthest Gram Panchayats, based and aimed at developing the right attitudes and imparting skills and information which will help the Panchayati raj leaders to undertake their responsibilities in an effective manner, and secondly, it helps the illiterate, the weaker sections, including women, to integrate themselves in the larger context of Panchayati raj as well as to participate effectively in the social and political life of the locality.
In order to train all Officials the Block Level Refresher Training for Elected Representatives of Three, Tier Panchayat has been undertaken by the District Administration (DP&RDO Section.)