Illambazar Gram Panchayat, a part of Chaupahari Jangal, is one of the largest and populated Gram Panchayats of Illambazar Block under Bolpur Sub-division having a population of 32142. This is a semi-urban Gram Panchayat covering 63.35 sq. km. area, comprising with 23 Gram Sansads. River Ajay encloses this Gram Panchayat by three sides.
One can visit this Gram Panchayat by train from Howrah & Asansol and by bus from Suri & Durgapur. Though main economy depends on agriculture and fishing but the major commercial activities of Illambazar Block is done at this Gram Panchayat area. Having high percentage of migrated population, different cultural groups have created a unique cultural as well as social harmony which is rarely seen in other Gram Panchayats of West Bengal. Sustainable–Development, Peace and Harmony are the salient features of Illambazar Gram Panchayat.
The primary school is the first step in the expansion of primary and basic education in rural Bengal. One such school is Sadhu Ramchand Primary School. It is located in Kamarpara village of tribal society. The school was originally developed for the basic education and awareness of the tribal society.
This school was built on the vacant land of the tribal area with the aim of spreading the light of education and developing consciousness. The school had no boundary wall. As a result, there were various difficulties in the mind connection of the students' studies and the development of the child's mind and body formation. People of civil society united for all these difficulties. Appealed to the Gram Panchayat that the boundary wall of this school should be constructed. They also said that along with education, children's garden should be created for the development of mental and physical health of children.
The primary school is the first step in the expansion of primary and basic education in rural Bengal. One such school is Sadhu Ramchand Primary School. It is located in Kamarpara village of tribal society. The school was originally developed for the basic education and awareness of the tribal society.
Panchayat authorities agreed to build boundary walls and children's gardens. Besides, provision of pure and purified drinking water is provided. Toilets are built for good health. Playgrounds are made for building the body through sports. Trees have been planted to create a serene environment for learning and physical development with pure oxygen.
Playgrounds are made for building the body through sports. Trees have been planted to create a serene environment for learning and physical development with pure oxygen.
As a consequence this will develope Physical and Mental health of the Children.
They will ready to take Future Challenges.
In the words of poet Sukanta Bhattacharya -" I will make this world livable for this child -" Gram Panchayat pledges to the next generation with this aim.
In the words of poet Sukanta Bhattacharya -" I will make this world livable for this child -" Gram Panchayat pledges to the next generation with this aim.
GP Name: ILLAMBAZAR Block Name: Illambazar
Ecopark a short form of Ecological Park. It is exploited as an amusement park without hampering its natural environment so that the bio-diversity remains unaffected there.
Most of the area of our Gram Panchayat is covered with Forest called "Chaupahari Jungle" and River Ajay Follows through the Southern boundary, So to Conserve the biodiversity of the forest and river this eco-park was constructed on the bank of river AJAY.
Eco parks provide a sense of adventure for kids. Gardens have the unique ability to provide kids with a sense of adventure. Every hike in the woods brings new things to see, there is something new to discover. Kids gain a sense of accomplishment from outdoor challenges, which leads to greater self-confidence and self-worth.
There are swings, slides, rods for hanging upon for exercise, and many other such items that provide for children their much-required exercise, enjoyment, and refreshment.
Social Skills: Being around other children at a park or other outdoor setting is a great way for kids to practice their social skills.
Vitamin D: Having been diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency how important it is for children to be exposed to sunlight.
Mental Health: As an adult, it’s hard for us to take a step back and realize how stressful being a kid is.
Physical Fitness: Childhood obesity rates have more than doubled in the last 20 years. Getting kids outside is one of the easiest ways to combat this epidemic
Ecoparks provide a sense of adventure for kids. Parks have the unique ability to provide kids with a sense of adventure. Every hike in the woods brings new things to see, there is something new to discover. Kids gain a sense of accomplishment from outdoor challenges, which leads to greater self-confidence and self-worth.
Increase foot traffic to our community Park amenities are useful features that make park space more comfortable and functional, encouraging people to visit often. So we try to increase amenities like
Shade Shelters and Structures
Community Grills
Park Furnishings
Parks play a very important role in society. They help people to stay healthy and fit. walking on grass and staying around a lot of trees is very healthy. It also reduces stress and makes people happy. People meet their friends and spend quality time. Parks are safe places for children where there are no vehicles and they can play there safely. Parks also make our society look beautiful and green. So we must try to Increase the of Children's Parks as far as possible.
GP Name: ILLAMBAZAR Block Name: Illambazar
Children Park at Illambazar (Spandan Park) (2021)
A Children’sPark as the very name indicates, is a park meant for children to come in the mornings and evenings to spend their leisure time in the open and fresh air of the park, away from their congested homes and busy environments. A children’s park has several playthings for them to play with and enjoy. There are swings, slides, rods for hanging upon for exercise, and many other such items that provide for children their much required exercise, enjoyment, and refreshment away from their busy schedules of school and home.
Today people remove the parks to make buildings and houses. Children play on the road and they are unsafe. Trees are not planted around and this affects our environment badly. We must all have one park in Gram Panchayat (Mainly Semi Urban ) area and keep it clean and green.
Parks provide a sense of adventure for kids. Parks have the unique ability to provide kids with a sense of adventure. Every hike in the woods brings new things to see, and around every turn there is something new to discover. Kids gain a sense of accomplishment from challenges met outdoors, which leads to greater self-confidence and self-worth.
In the mornings, in these parks children come with their parents or elders for walks, exercises and jogging, while, in the evening time they are again there for playing and having a good time after a heavy school routine.
There are swings, slides, rods for hanging upon for exercise, and many other such items that provide for children their much required exercise, enjoyment, and refreshment.
Social Skills: Being around other children at a park or other outdoor setting is a great way for kids to practice their social skills.
Vitamin D: Having been diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency how important it is for children to be exposed to sunlight.
Mental Health: As an adult, it’s hard for us to take a step back and realize how stressful being a kid is.
Physical Fitness: Childhood obesity rates have more than doubled in the last 20 years. Getting kids outside is one of the easiest ways to combat this epidemic
Increase foot traffic to our community Park amenities are useful features that make park space more comfortable and functional, encouraging people to visit often. So we try to increase amenities like
Shade Shelters and Structures
Community Grills
Park Furnishings
Parks play a very important role in society. They help people to stay healthy and fit. walking on grass and staying around a lot of trees is very healthy. It also reduces stress and makes people happy. People meet their friends and spend quality time. Parks are a safe place for children where there are no vehicles and they can play there safely. Parks also make our society look beautiful and green. So we must try to Increase no of Children Pakrs as far as possible.
GP Name: ILLAMBAZAR Block Name: Illambazar
The primary school is the first step in the expansion of primary and basic education in rural Bengal. One such school is Sadhu Ramchand Primary School. It is located in Kamarpara village of tribal society. The school was originally developed for the basic education and awareness of the tribal society.
This school was built on the vacant land of the tribal area with the aim of spreading the light of education and developing consciousness. The school had no boundary wall. As a result, there were various difficulties in the mind connection of the students' studies and the development of the child's mind and body formation. People of civil society united for all these difficulties. Appealed to the Gram Panchayat that the boundary wall of this school should be constructed. They also said that along with education, children's garden should be created for the development of mental and physical health of children.
The primary school is the first step in the expansion of primary and basic education in rural Bengal. One such school is Sadhu Ramchand Primary School. It is located in Kamarpara village of tribal society. The school was originally developed for the basic education and awareness of the tribal society.
Panchayat authorities agreed to build boundary walls and children's gardens. Besides, provision of pure and purified drinking water is provided. Toilets are built for good health. Playgrounds are made for building the body through sports. Trees have been planted to create a serene environment for learning and physical development with pure oxygen.
Playgrounds are made for building the body through sports. Trees have been planted to create a serene environment for learning and physical development with pure oxygen.
As a consequence this will develope Physical and Mental health of the Children.
They will ready to take Future Challenges.
In the words of poet Sukanta Bhattacharya -" I will make this world livable for this child -" Gram Panchayat pledges to the next generation with this aim.
In the words of poet Sukanta Bhattacharya -" I will make this world livable for this child -" Gram Panchayat pledges to the next generation with this aim.
GP Name: ILLAMBAZAR Block Name: Illambazar
Ecopark a short form of Ecological Park. It is exploited as an amusement park without hampering its natural environment so that the bio-diversity remains unaffected there.
Most of the area of our Gram Panchayat is covered with Forest called "Chaupahari Jungle" and River Ajay Follows through the Southern boundary, So to Conserve the biodiversity of the forest and river this eco-park was constructed on the bank of river AJAY.
Eco parks provide a sense of adventure for kids. Gardens have the unique ability to provide kids with a sense of adventure. Every hike in the woods brings new things to see, there is something new to discover. Kids gain a sense of accomplishment from outdoor challenges, which leads to greater self-confidence and self-worth.
There are swings, slides, rods for hanging upon for exercise, and many other such items that provide for children their much-required exercise, enjoyment, and refreshment.
Social Skills: Being around other children at a park or other outdoor setting is a great way for kids to practice their social skills.
Vitamin D: Having been diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency how important it is for children to be exposed to sunlight.
Mental Health: As an adult, it’s hard for us to take a step back and realize how stressful being a kid is.
Physical Fitness: Childhood obesity rates have more than doubled in the last 20 years. Getting kids outside is one of the easiest ways to combat this epidemic
Ecoparks provide a sense of adventure for kids. Parks have the unique ability to provide kids with a sense of adventure. Every hike in the woods brings new things to see, there is something new to discover. Kids gain a sense of accomplishment from outdoor challenges, which leads to greater self-confidence and self-worth.
Increase foot traffic to our community Park amenities are useful features that make park space more comfortable and functional, encouraging people to visit often. So we try to increase amenities like
Shade Shelters and Structures
Community Grills
Park Furnishings
Parks play a very important role in society. They help people to stay healthy and fit. walking on grass and staying around a lot of trees is very healthy. It also reduces stress and makes people happy. People meet their friends and spend quality time. Parks are safe places for children where there are no vehicles and they can play there safely. Parks also make our society look beautiful and green. So we must try to Increase the of Children's Parks as far as possible.
GP Name: ILLAMBAZAR Block Name: Illambazar
Children Park at Illambazar (Spandan Park) (2021)
A Children’sPark as the very name indicates, is a park meant for children to come in the mornings and evenings to spend their leisure time in the open and fresh air of the park, away from their congested homes and busy environments. A children’s park has several playthings for them to play with and enjoy. There are swings, slides, rods for hanging upon for exercise, and many other such items that provide for children their much required exercise, enjoyment, and refreshment away from their busy schedules of school and home.
Today people remove the parks to make buildings and houses. Children play on the road and they are unsafe. Trees are not planted around and this affects our environment badly. We must all have one park in Gram Panchayat (Mainly Semi Urban ) area and keep it clean and green.
Parks provide a sense of adventure for kids. Parks have the unique ability to provide kids with a sense of adventure. Every hike in the woods brings new things to see, and around every turn there is something new to discover. Kids gain a sense of accomplishment from challenges met outdoors, which leads to greater self-confidence and self-worth.
In the mornings, in these parks children come with their parents or elders for walks, exercises and jogging, while, in the evening time they are again there for playing and having a good time after a heavy school routine.
There are swings, slides, rods for hanging upon for exercise, and many other such items that provide for children their much required exercise, enjoyment, and refreshment.
Social Skills: Being around other children at a park or other outdoor setting is a great way for kids to practice their social skills.
Vitamin D: Having been diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency how important it is for children to be exposed to sunlight.
Mental Health: As an adult, it’s hard for us to take a step back and realize how stressful being a kid is.
Physical Fitness: Childhood obesity rates have more than doubled in the last 20 years. Getting kids outside is one of the easiest ways to combat this epidemic
Increase foot traffic to our community Park amenities are useful features that make park space more comfortable and functional, encouraging people to visit often. So we try to increase amenities like
Shade Shelters and Structures
Community Grills
Park Furnishings
Parks play a very important role in society. They help people to stay healthy and fit. walking on grass and staying around a lot of trees is very healthy. It also reduces stress and makes people happy. People meet their friends and spend quality time. Parks are a safe place for children where there are no vehicles and they can play there safely. Parks also make our society look beautiful and green. So we must try to Increase no of Children Pakrs as far as possible.